2013年7月25日 星期四


晴晴:尋晚daddy mommy 鬧交,鬧得好大聲。。。我好驚。

Me: 咁不如我地做個小手工比daddy mommy ,等佢地開開心心,唔好鬧交,好嗎?


晴晴: 我地下次做咩手工好呀……(又自言自語一輪,根本聽不清在說什麼)
Me: 唔知嫁,睇下到時點啦!你送比Mommy個手工,mommy鍾意嗎?
晴晴: Mommy好鍾意好開心呀!daddy mommy無鬧交嘞!


2013年7月20日 星期六






2013年7月5日 星期五



在樓下遇見"熟客"stephen(怎麼說呢?這位"熟客"甚少來書棧,但經常跟我通訊,似筆友多點雖然我不是每次都回覆),他停下來跟我打招呼欲閒談,但我心繫「家園」,匆忙交帶家裡漏煤氣便走了,好像很不禮貌,怪不好意思。stephen是外國人,或許那刻我的表現讓他擔心了,事後竟然上我facebook看,他不懂中文,讀我facebook肯定要花額外的時間吧,昨天收到他的電郵,蠻溫暖。 =)

Hi Hilda,

Just been to your FB page and have seen the photos there. What a magnificent display of books and exhibits. I trust your time there was productive and fruitful. Your FB page is a great, vibrant and colourful record of your time there. You must have met a lot of people.

It's also good news that Town Gas fixed your gas leak. Quite right that they treated it as an urgent case. I was very worried about you. I've always found that company pretty good with these things. Of course you had a lot of clean up to do after the guy put away all his tools. As you say, none of the neighbours were inconvenienced. At this time of year I sometimes wonder if the durian smell is gas, as I find the odours fairly similar. I never thought durians could be dangerous. If someone dismisses a gas leak as 'durian smell' then we could all be in a lot of trouble.

I looked and listened to that video of 'Never Let Go' that was recorded in your Cottage. When I first looked at the thumbnail of the video I thought it was you in the middle. This is Whitebase with Mimi on vocals. I see they have their own Youtube channel. I shall be sure to Perhaps they'll play at one of the events I go to.

I had a good time at the first of July demonstration. It was amazingly crowded and full of energy. There were often heavy rainfalls, but these did not put off the marchers. They just got their umbrellas out or sheltered near shops. I went up to at least the ninth floor of Hysan Place in Causeway Bay. From there I got good view of street full of umbrellas of all different colours. I wanted to get a different angle from the ones I had taken before. The rain did not dampen the event for anyone. In fact it added to the sense of fun and increased the levels of energy.

It was mostly positive. The news reports gave an impression of the 'troublemaking' but that was just one small part of it. From where I was the whole thing was very civilised.

I understand the strong wind and rain of the number three typhoon signal disrupted the Korean pop concert at the old Kai Tak Airport. Near here there was a Japanese pop star singing in Temple Street. I missed that.

It's another Hot Weather Warning today. I trust you'll keep drinking enough.

Take care and catch you later.



一直想透過讀書好棧這個平台做點有意義的事,早前跟縫紉班的同學提起,同學們都很雀躍,遂決定於822至824舉行一連三日義賣和free pick up mix的活動,同學們會充當義工,並發揮所長預先製作手作於活動日義賣,另各自收集新淨及多出的家居物品供人pick up,更會在最後一天舉辦一個工作坊,來者可按心意自由捐獻,所得的款項將全數交<綠色和平>。   於我,這不光是一次性籌款,純粹做做善事,而是希望透過是次活動,將保護環境,珍愛大自然的訊息帶進社區,帶入人群。    祈望與大家一起在生活中落實,珍惜資源,讓地球變得更綠色、更和平、更友愛!