2008年6月7日 星期六

Open ceremony

Since some furnitures and books were just arrived yesterday night, I left at around 12:40am without completing all tasks.
I told myself I could finish all preparation work for the opening ceremony this morning:
All I have to do ......................................... be an early bird, that's it!

Here this morning came .....

Early in the morning, I found the warning of BLACK RAIN was hoisted.
Oh, God! The street was drained throughout the route to My Book Cottage.
Don't play me ma......
After a few minutes' walk, I arrived My Book Cottage and totally got wet.

Without hestitation, I wiped out the shoes and tidy up the cottage,
cleaned up the dishes and set the table with limit time.

Though I didn't expect many people to join our open ceremony during this black rain date,
my first visitor, one of my loyal customers, arrived at around 11:00 am.

Surprisingly, people then continuously arrived, even for those I didn't expect to...
Let me count count ma... around 50-60 persons
They included my family members, ex-classmates of secondary school, ex-classmates of MBA,
existing customers, brothers & sisters, suppliers and new friends.

Special thanks to Helen, for her 38 different gingerbread with the wordings of My Book Cottage.
Thanks to Carmen and Canning, for being "Ah Say" during the process.
Thanks to all my family, my friends, my brothers & sisters....
for your visits, basket flowers, deserts, food, gifts, kind wordings & blessings and support.
Thanks for my Lord for playing such a trick on me and giving me such a big surprise.

It's really a special and memorable date for me!

