Letters to Sam: A grandfather's lessons on love, loss, and the gifts of life
I've learnt some precious lessons from the book:
About happiness:
The longer the list of people we love, the happier we are.
(Similar to a research I read recently - the more close friends we have, the happier we are.)
About being productive:
As I show more compassion to others and make the world a kinder and safer place, I am being productive.
(I am not productive by working more hours each day, reading more books, and writing more papers.....)
About dying:
Death is not my enemy. Knowing that death is my endpoint on earth helps me appreciate the gifts of life better.
About our own problems:
We often look at our own problems as if they were the biggest problems in the world. That's because our container is too small so it's easily filled up with our own problems.We need to see our problems through a wider lens.
Our problems won't disappear, but when we step out into the world, we will find that the container is much bigger than what we have imagined. Our problems then become nothing.
So we need to make our container bigger!