2010年3月9日 星期二

Email from R today

Email from R today.


Hi Hilda,

Thanks for your prayers. I have started a new job since Monday, Mar 8th. I was referred to a lady, who needs to find a personal assistant, by a fellow sister at .......

My new job is quite different from any other jobs I had experienced before. I need wisdom to adjust to this type of work. My working hours should be from 10:30 am to around 6:30 pm.
Anyway, I will share with you more whenever we will chat again.

Please pray for me as follows :-
- give thanks to the Lord for taking care of my well-being while I was seeking for job
- thanks to all the fellow sisters who have been earnestly praying for me,
- thanks to all the experiences God had given me which were necessary in strengthening me spiritually
- pray for the wisdom to help me adapt to this new post
- pray for my persistence in seeking for God's guidance wherever I go and whichever step I will make
- pray for a lot of energy to sustain your heavy work load and good business to 'My Book Cottage'

There seems a lot more I would like to share with you, but I don't have enough time to do so now.

See you!

再細閱她的prayer list,很precise、也很清晰,

