Just read through the pages of "Pierre la Lune" again.
What a lovely book, though I can't read French!
I can formulate the story myself from the pictures.
It's a story of love, dream, friendship, persistency,
overcoming difficulties, sharing ...... a story of faith.
I try to put myself into the character of the book.
I find I'm there, I am the little boy there .....
& I find many of you there too.
It touches me from my inner sensation.
In fact, I try to put myself into other character too.
Today Mily told me that she would teach
"David & Jonathan" in the Sunday School.
Knowing that I felt sick, she gave me a big hug,
giving her concern and implicating the friendship of
David & Jonathan as well. I got it.
Really, I got the love and friendship you all given to me.
It's the echo further to the book.
P.S. Pierre la lune = moonstone (a kind of gemstone)