In the afternoon, Kevin drove me up to One Tree Hill. It was almost sunset and people there were trying to capture the scenery of the city in such evening time. One special finding on the way back: In this comparatively centralized city, there were sheep-bearing activity in Cornwall Park. I saw many lingling sheep all of a sudden. Kevin stopped the car at the street, allowing me to have closer look at the baby sheep. I noticed that they rather liked jumping. Lovely!
At night, Kevin and Jason (met him once in my cottage) brought me to the Cloud and watched a rugby competition between NZ and Australia. I know nothing about rugby and have never watched whatever ball competition in public area as well. It's my very first time to watch such a competition, in a public area, and in a foreign country (many first-time in one time).
In the beginning of the competition, the NZers presented the Maorist dance. Honestly speaking, as I seldom watch this kind of competition and have no idea in rugby, I didn't have much expectation. Nevertheless, I didn't feel boring at all throughout the process, though I didn't understand the rules.
On the way back home... again a starry night with a half-watermelon moon. Hope having good weather in the forthcoming days as well.