At noon, I arrived Lake Tekapo. After around 30 minutes walk, I finally found my hostel. The enironment is extremely good and there's only me who occupy the 6-person room!! How lucky I am!!! Yeahyeah!
Lake Tekapo is surrounded by snowy mountains and covered by the blue glacier water. With the shadow of the mountains in between, it presents a perfect mix of blue and white of sky, mountains, water and shadow! What a magnificent view of nature!
I hiked from the foot of Mt. John and walked along the lakefront. The lake was calm and pure. It seemed that whatever happen in this world could never change a bit of its harmonies.
At night, I joined the stargazing tour. Though here on the top of mountain the weather dropped to -3 degree, the desire to explore the wonders of the southern night sky motivated me forward. Galaxies across the dark sky demonstrated our God's creativity of this amazing universe. I saw the satellites move and the stars twinkle, though failed to catch the shooting stars as some others did. With the aid of telescopes, I was impressed to view the jupiter with very clear ring, just like magic! Unbelievable starry night! Awesome !!!